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Aventurine is a member of the quartz family. Its name is derived from the Italian "a Ventura", a type of glass with its randomly space iridescent sparkles since the stone has similar markings.

Aventurine gemstones can vary from light to dark green color.

The sparkling or gleaming effect displayed by Aventurine is known as aventurescence. This impression can be intense or weak, depending on the density or size. The color of Aventurine can also vary, and a single gemstone may have darker and lighter color zones. Most Aventurine has a sugary or a grainy texture in a natural realm; this is removed when refined into a gem.

More green and blue Aventurine is found in India, while the white, gray and orange Aventurine is found in Russia, Spain, and Chile.

The Lore of Aventurine

It has been considered for generations that Aventurine helps the wearer move forward with confidence into new situations. Aventurine has been utilized as a talisman for luck and is a considered beneficial stone for gamblers. Legends tell that it is an all-purpose healer, used to diminish stress, develop self-confidence, and improve the prosperity and imagination. An ancient Tibet legend describes Aventurine as being used to increase the wearer's creativity. Many believe that Aventurine can bring about inner peace and can calm a troubled heart.


Encourages determination, promotes empathy and compassion. It stabilizes one’s state of mind, enhances creativity and stimulates perception. Green Aventurine is considered a stone of good fortune and is recommended for those who wish to manifest a better financial situation.

Many people are known to wear this stone to the racetrack, a tax audit or even a first date. It also supports physical healing and balances energy. It also helps connect the wearer with connecting to the Earth and has a gentle grounding effect.

Aventurine properties can assist with the solar plexus chakra, which makes it a powerful gem for soothing negative emotions that often become trapped in the lower abdominal area.